Monday | Tuesday |
Wednesday | Thursday |
Friday | Sunday 1/1/06 |
Howard was asked about the rumors about the rumors of his marriage to Beth. The two of them are still staying quiet about their relationship and it sure sounds like they're married. Howard says he's holding off on talking about that until January 9th when his show officially starts up again.
Gary Dell'Abate called in during the segment and it turned out to be Howard and Gary just having discussions about the final show, what they have planned for the new show starting on January 9th and they both sound very excited about what's coming up.
Howard talked about how Tom Chiusano was so upset on the final show that he broke down and cried as he was saying goodbye to him.
Howard told the guys about the ideas that are being thrown around for his first show. Walt Sabo from Sirius suggested that he do a ''Howard Stern Unplugged'' show where he does a history of his whole show. He would go through the days before he had Fred and Robin working with him and as the history goes on, he brings in Fred, then Robin and the rest of the guys. He thought about doing that but wanted to put it off for a while. Now he's thinking that they'd put it off for a month or so and make a whole show out of it.
Howard was also talking about how addicted to he is these days and wanted to log on while he was talking to the guys on the show. Gary was ready to bail out on the conversation because it was so late but Howard tried to convince him to stick around.
Gary put his son Jackson on the phone to say hello to Howard. Howard talked to the kid for a minute and then Gary said he really had to get going because he was so worn out. Howard wanted to get Robin on the phone but the news team wasn't allowed to call her. Program Director Tim Sabean put a stop to that.
Gary got off the phone but Howard was wide awake and ready to talk. He said that he was kind of bummed out that Gary was leaving but Gary said he couldn't keep his eyes open.
Howard thought that there was supposed to be a segment where Jim Florentine and Rev. Bob Levy did their comedy show. They had some technical problems so that pissed Howard off. Howard told the guys that stuff is what is freaking him out these days. All of the technical problems are driving him nuts. Howard was also saying that they'll eventually get their shit together and work things out.
Ronnie the Limo Driver called in and said that he and his friends were loaded out of their minds at his house. He said that he's got Scores girls there at his house and sounded like he was a bit wasted. Howard told him to have a great '06 and let him go. He said he felt like he was doing a show there and didn't want to take calls from fans.
By 12:45 Howard tried to check out more of the SternFanNetwork stuff but he was blocked out because there were too many people on. The Howard 100 News team had an old WNBC tape to play so Howard wasn't sure if he wanted them to play it without talking it up. He was ready to get in his car to come in and talk about all of this stuff.
Howard talked up this tape from the WNBC days. He explained how everything had gone down around that time with WNBC and his boss was giving him a hard time about the way he was doing his show. That's when he decided to go on the air as a gay man by the name of Lance Eluction. He said that WNBC got thousands of phone calls after doing that character. The guys played some audio from that day on WNBC but didn't let it go on all that long. Howard told them that they really have to let it roll to get into the feel of it.
That led to Howard talking about his former boss Kevin Metheney and how he's softened up these days compared to the old days. The guys played some more of the WNBC tape and it was stuff that was never done on the air before. Howard said that they really clamped down on him back then but his ratings still continued to go up, even after they tried to get him to stop talking.
Reporter Steve Langford said that kind of stuff back in the early 80's was revolutionary stuff. Howard went on to say that this move to satellite will be great for the show because he'll be left alone to be creative once again. He said that people have been asking him what the show is going to be like and it's just going to be new and fresh stuff with no restrictions.
We heard a few more clips from those WNBC days where you hear Howard doing his gay voice and getting braver and braver with his character Lance. Howard would give updates after each clip was played giving us a history lesson about his early career at WNBC. He ended up getting suspended for doing his thing back then and he couldn't believe it. He knew then that the suits at WNBC didn't want him doing his thing.
Howard told George about how he got hired there at WNBC and how management really had no idea what he was all about. They hired him because they were told that he had huge ratings. They ended up hiring him for a 5 year deal and once they heard his show, they wanted to do whatever it took to make him quit.
Howard wasn't sure where he came up with the voice for Lance Eluction but he stayed in character the whole night he was doing that show at WNBC. He was thinking about letting George and Lisa go so they could get some sleep at around 1:10am but they didn't seem like they were in any rush to go. They played some more of the WNBC tape and got Howard talking even more.
Howard changed subjects and brought up Ryan Seacrest and Regis Philbin. He said he spoke to Regis today, since Regis lives in his building, and asked him what the hell he's doing. He said he got Regis all fired up about Ryan Seacrest taking over the Dick Clark thing and loved it.
The news team played some more of the WNBC tape but Howard was getting kind of tired. He put out the word to the fans who were listening that this is going to be a great thing. They have some really cool stuff planned and it will be brand new and fresh. He said there are 120 channels of great stuff to listen to even if you're not into his show. He also said a few words about the final rally and how great that was. He's also going to reveal whether or not he's married or not.
The news team played one last clip from WNBC and wrapped up the call with Howard. Howard wished Lisa G a Happy New Year and asked her when she last got laid. Lisa said it's been a while and asked Howard when he's going to be there. Howard said he's going to be there on Monday for an interview. Howard told the news team that they're doing a great job and got in a plug for his Howard Stern On Demand shows and said that the ''Jeff the Drunk Won't Leave'' show is great and worth a watch. (I've seen it, it's hilarious) He also said that the ''Supertwink'' movie is supposed to debut in the next day or two. Howard wished everyone a Happy New Year and said he was going to go to bed.
George Flowers, Lisa G and Steve Langford spent a couple more minutes talking about how great Howard's call was before they wrapped up.
Howard will be doing some interviews over the next week. Howard will be doing an interview for Nightline with Martin Bashir that will air on Tuesday night. He'll also be on Larry King on Thursday night.
Ahhh... it was great to hear Howard back on radio... live. It also felt good to type it up as it was going on. I can't wait for the new show to start on January 9th.
Sometime after 4:45pm on January 3, 2006, The Howard Stern Show went live on Howard 100. I didn't catch the broadcast until it was almost over but a fan passed along the audio so I could listen in. Here's what I heard...
Howard was going through some of the equipment with Program Director Tim Sabean. Howard is unfamiliar with the new digital equipment he has so he has to get used to everything on his board. He shut off all the microphones for a short time so he could figure out which one did which. Then Howard was going through his music library trying to figure out how to use it. He can get to songs very quickly once he figures everything out. Everyone was throwing out song titles for Howard to look up. Artie threw in an AC/DC request of Highway to Hell so Howard played that.
Howard attempted to take a phone call from a fan who called in. The caller said that things were sounding phenomenal but it turned out to be Sal the Stockbroker making a prank call. Howard figured he had no listeners but he also didn't know what phone number to give out... it was either 888-STERN-100 or 888-9-ASSHOLE.
Howard told the guys in the studio that there are a ton of things that don't work and they have to get them straightened out by January 9th. He said the headphones weren't marked and suggested that they put numbers on each headset. The sound was pretty bad and Howard wasn't able to tell who was on mic or not. He had Tim Sabean try to talk a little bit to figure out which microphone he was on and tried to figure out where the problem was. There was a lot of feedback and odd noises coming through the mics so Howard figure they have a lot of work ahead of them.
Howard tried to play more music to find out if it sounded okay. Everyone was chiming in and telling him how it sounded to them so he asked everyone for quiet. He played a Bo Bice song and Artie was goofing on it while Fred was playing some gay, gagging sound effects in the background. Fred's sound effects sounded just fine but the music Howard was playing wasn't all that great.
20 Minutes in... Mike Piazza from Howard 100 News came into the studio to do an interview in the middle of this live studio test. Howard didn't sound too thrilled to have him in there though. He had Mike help out with the sound test by coming up with some song suggestions.
Howard had to ask everyone to quiet down again so he could figure out what he was doing. He had multiple computers running that he had to juggle between to make things work. He wanted to test out some wireless microphones but Gary said they didn't have any to test. The guys working on the studio were helping Howard figure everything out and they're apparently going to do another test broadcast on Thursday.
The guys were goofing on Benjy since Howard wasn't bothering to test his microphone. Steve Langford from Howard 100 News also dropped in to ask Howard if they were or weren't allowed to cover the broadcast. Howard told Steve that he can't constantly be doing interviews so they need some separation. Steve wondered why they couldn't cover it even though they were live on the air. Howard just doesn't want them bothering him while he's trying to get work done. He figured that the news director, Liz Aiello, was going to threaten to quit again because of this but he asked the news guys to leave them alone.
30 Minutes In... Howard attempted to play an audio clip that Gary had given him before they went on air. It was in a new system called Prophet. He played a clip of some falling rocks but noticed he had a phone call. He took the call and found that it was a legitimate call, not Sal the Stockbroker goofing on them. Howard wanted to do some more testing but the caller was afraid he was going to hang up on him. One of the callers begged Howard to have SIRIUS make his show available on the web. Howard told him that ''they're working on it...''
One of the callers asked Howard about the rumors that he got married. Howard said he's not going to talk about that until January 9th. Robin said she thinks she knows what the answer is but didn't go into detail. Artie sarcastically said ''Really?'' when Robin said she might now the actual answer.
Howard did some tests with his harmonizer and it worked ''too good'' because it was so easy to bring up... unlike when he tried to do it at K-Rock. Howard and Robin did a little ''Bob and Ray'' to test out the harmonizer. Then Howard went from a low voice to a high one which sounded like Alvin and the Chipmunks so Artie started to sing a Christmas song as Alvin. Artie was goofing on Mets fans while he still sounded like Alvin. Howard was noticing the audio problems and pointed them out to the technical crew. The echo was wrong too so he asked them to fix that.
Howard took another phone call. This time it was from a woman who congratulated him on being back on radio. She had missed him until she got her new SIRIUS radio and heard him doing the test broadcast. Howard tested out some more stuff and made some adjustments.
Howard was complaining about the length of his microphone stand because he wasn't able to look back at Artie and still talk on mic. Artie was willing to move around so Howard could see him better but he sounded off if he moved from the mic too far.
40 Minutes In... Captain Janks called in and said a few words, congratulating Howard on the new show. They have a tech working on the studio who goes by the name Thom (with the He not silent) so Howard started to ask him why he prefers to be called Thom instead of Tom. Janks told Thom to get his shit together because we need the show working by Monday.
Howard's Marriage... Someone was breathing into the microphone with a nose whistling so Howard tried to track that person down. Everyone denied being the culprit... even Janks. Janks went on to play a prank call for Howard as another test. Janks played an old clip where he curses because he was never able to play it on terrestrial radio. Janks used the F-word in the call. He had to cue up the call so the guys ended up talking more about Howard's alleged marriage. Janks pointed out that he called Beth ''Mrs. Stern'' the other night when he called into the Howard 100 News broadcast shortly after midnight. Howard said that might be a good clue... but Artie added that over the break, Beth bought the state of New Hampshire. He also said that he's going to leap off of the Chrysler Building if Howard did get married.
Howard said that he's used to broadcasting to millions of people but the only ones calling into his show were Bobo, Joey Boots and Captain Janks. He was still trying to work out the kinks in the system. Robin said that she needs a talk-back button and a cough button in her studio. Fred was on his game because he had the coughing sounds going as soon as she mentioned that.
Captain Janks finally got to his prank call and played that for Howard. In the call Janks says a ''fuck you'' to Cindy Adams live on some TV show. Janks was able to play that without bleeps for the first time on air. Howard let Janks go after that and got back to trying to fix the problems he had.
Howard said he really doesn't like the way he sounds. Robin didn't like the way she sounded in her headphones either. Gary complained about the echoing in his headphones as well. Howard wanted to take another phone call but didn't want to talk to Bobo or Joey Boots. He took a call from Andrew and liked the way he sounded. The caller was from Canada and said that he had a grey market SIRIUS unit so he was able to listen. He explained that Canadians just need an active U.S. address to get a subscription up there. Howard thought it was kind of odd that most of his audience hasn't purchased a tuner here in the U.S. but this Canadian guy already had an illegal unit and was listening up there.
50 Minutes In... Howard took some more phone calls and wondered if they should put another run-through show on the air. He was thinking that maybe it would be a good idea not to do another one live on the air. A phone caller was telling Howard how great it was to hear them on the air again and how good it was sounding. If that was true, Howard didn't want to do another test show. Fred was still on his game and getting in a bunch of classic sound effects like the ''Hey Now!'' clip and some of the classic Ben Stern clips.
Howard said he had some great stories to tell but Gary told him he may want to wait until next week when they start the show for real. Howard gave a teaser and said that he took Tom Chiusano and his wife out to dinner on New Year's Eve. That was all he was going to say though. He talked a little bit about that when he called Howard 100 News on New Year's Eve but they haven't been rerunning that.
Howard asked the guys to run over to the podium to test another microphone. He had a little trouble finding the right buttons to push but quickly figured it out. Meanwhile, Fred was still playing with his sound effects as if he had been using that new system for years.
Howard took another phone call and had the caller request a song so he could test out his music library again. The caller requested Led Zeppelin so Howard found the song within seconds and asked Artie to sing along. That didn't work out too well because the reverb caused some feedback.
55 Minutes In... Howard said he was starting to feel pretty comfortable at this time. Things were starting to fall into place and they were figuring out what problems needed to be fixed. The guys spent a few minutes talking about how great the news team has been doing on Howard 100 News. Gary said that they're working on a story about a Wack Pack member who may have run over and killed someone. He also said that there may be an arrest warrant out for him in Windham, New York. That led to Gary talking about how some of this stuff they should save for their radio show instead of giving Howard 100 News the scoops.
1 Hour In... Sal the Stockbroker was having problems loading up some audio clips for Howard to play but Richard Christy was able to get them up for Howard to play. Fred was testing out his equipment and his audio clips and sound effects were working just fine. Robin was there talking to Howard as if this were a regular show day.
It was getting close to air time for Howard 100 News so Howard suggested that they just take him off the air and start the news. News director Liz Aiello came in but when Howard asked her to get on mic, the show cut off and went to dead air. That's the kind of stuff they're trying to work out for next week's debut show. Howard didn't even seem to be aware that he wasn't on the air.
A minute later Howard's show came back live and they were talking about the advertising campaign that SIRIUS has right now where they have a slogan that says ''Let Freedom Ring... and let it be rung by a stripper'' and how there are some very upset people. Gary announced that it was about 45 seconds before the news. Howard attempted to take a phone call from a listener but the phones weren't working. The channel went dead once again and a short time later it went to a song parody... and then Howard 100 News.
Once Howard 100 News started, we heard the story about what Howard and the guys were up to with their live studio test. The news team is covering everything Howard and everyone's voices are now allowed on the air since their contracts with Infinity were up on December 31st.
Howard 100 News reporter Mike Piazza told his story about trying to get an interview with Howard and Robin. He was able to get a quick interview with Howard and the guys as they were kind of goofing on him. Howard seemed a bit irritated by the interview because he was just trying to test the equipment. He asked Mike to request some songs so he could test his computer equipment by searching for the songs Mike was requesting. It didn't sound like things were going very smoothly on this first unofficial first broadcast.
Mike Piazza got an interview with Jason Kaplan who told him that he wasn't even sure that they were going to go live on the air until the last minute. Jason said he was helping Howard test out the phones and it sounds like that wasn't working out very well either. They're having issues with all of the equipment but that's to be expected with all of the new equipment.
During the live test Howard was talking to Sal the Stockbroker about his use of the C-word and F-words because he was using them to excess in the bits he's been writing. Howard suggested that they tone it down a bit and use it sparingly from now on. The Howard 100 News team discussed that a little bit as well.
Howard 100 News anchor George Flowers filled everyone in on just how long the live studio test actually lasted. It was about an hour... So I missed out on reporting about 45 minutes worth of show... damn it!
Howard and the crew went on live at 4PM EST. After a while it was like the old show, Howard screaming that things are not working. Bitching that Scott stinks, telling Gary to leave him alone, Robin laughing in the back ground, Fred not saying anything and Benji trying to get on the air to talk. Howard wasn't sure they were even on the air so he tried to take a few calls. The phone system was not working yet so he wasn't able to do that. Howard was having a real hard time using the new equipment, he couldn't figure how to turn the mics on and off plus none of the buttons were labeled on his board and there was son bad feedback noise which was driving him crazy. There was a button labeled "pisth" (or something that sounded like that) and Howard wanted to know what that was, Scott came in and explained it to Howard and it was a very long and technical explanation so Howard freaked out on Scott telling Scott he was pisth off at him now . Finally he got a guy named Craig on the phone who was calling in from Penn. And said the show sounded great Howard asked him to stay on the line so they could test out the phone system, another caller named Sean called in and Howard was asking Craig and Sean if they could hear each other. Craig asked Howard if he was going to offer the show on the internet to Sirius subscribers and Howard said he was working on it. Someone brought up his alleged marriage and Howard said he didn't want to talk about it until 1/9. Howard asked Robin if she wanted to take a guess about his alleged nuptials but she said she already new the answer, Artie seemed surprised that she already knew the truth. Basically the rest of the show was Howard trying to learn the new equipment and bitching at the Howard 100 news team for bugging him to do interviews. They H100 news team was upset because they were told that they could not cover or report anything about the live test because it wasn't going to be broadcast on the air, then at 4PM they heard the test was live on the air so they were upset. Gary said the initial plan was for the test NOT to be live and that is why the H100 Newsteam was told not to report about it but at the last second Howard decided to make it live. For a while I forgot this was only a test as it was just like the old show with Fred playing the sound effects and Artie cracking jokes.
Howard let everyone know that this was just a test, not a real show. He took some phone calls and Gary noticed that he sounded over modulated when listening through his headphones. The first phone caller suggested that Howard send the engineer out to listen to a radio to see how it sounds to him. Another phone caller told Howard that the sound was a little off to him. He thought Howard's voice had a little ''vibration'' as did everyone else on the show. Fred came through with a ''Good Vibrations'' song to play since the caller had mentioned the vibration thing.
11:30am... Sal the Stockbroker came in and told Howard that he set up the Prophet system for Howard... but Howard interrupted and said that Sal was giving him the puppy dog eyes this morning after seeing that his daughter was featured in a newspaper this morning because she's in a play appearing naked. Gary told Howard that Sal has been dying to help Howard out by bringing up the Prophet thing. That led to Sal complaining about Howard's bad review of the movie Supertwink that he and Richard created. Howard wanted to save this for the real show and asked him to leave the studio. Sal said he was just trying to help. Howard told Sal he could leave because he wasn't getting to the Prophet system yet.
Sal was on the verge of tears from what Howard was saying. He just wanted to help and he was getting bashed for doing that. Howard told Sal that he appreciates his help but he's really got to stop. He noticed that his voice was a little too low compared to everyone else's so he asked to get that fixed. He told Sal to go back to his cubby hole and get back to work.
Richard Christy came in and told Howard that Sal was devastated the other day when he got bashed in there. Sal was still whining like a baby so Fred played some baby crying sounds. Howard told Sal to go ahead and talk about whatever it was he wanted to talk about so he could get him out of there. Sal then told Howard that he set up the clips on his computer to simulate a stack of carts for the clips he loads into the system. Howard heard what he was saying and told him that he could leave now.
Gary said that Sal missed the meeting they had yesterday about this new Prophet System that they're using now and he was really upset that he missed it. He was apparently yelling at Richard for not reminding him about it. Gary said things got crazy. Howard cut him off and told him that they're starting to do a show now and not testing like he wanted to.
Gary tried to get back to the test by asking about the setup they have for the guests that will be sitting on the couch. Howard didn't understand his questions so Robin had to explain it to him. They found out that Howard may not be able to make an outgoing call from his board either but the engineers (Scott the Engineer included) told Howard that he will have the ability to do that. Howard made a phone call trying to get Ralph Cirella on the phone but he got a voice mail system.
Scott the Engineer said that they were trying to get Howard's voice to sound the same as it did over at K-Rock but the board was different and made it sound a little different. Howard asked who he'd have to blow to get that to work right. Scott let him know that he'd have to talk to Thom. Gary picked up on the fact that the microphones were still over modulated even though they had adjusted them.
11:40am... Howard said he had some great clips to play even though this wasn't a real show. He said that there are all kinds of revelations coming out about him in the paper but they're not the revelations that he wanted to talk about on Monday. He said he's got to talk about whether or not he's married, the fact that his daughter is in a play... nude... and more.
Howard played an audio clip that Jim Breuer did for the show as Joe Pesci. The clip was supposed to be like a scene from ''Goodfellas'' and it was very funny... but the audio was a little off. Howard thought the clip was great but wanted to cut in some of the real movie with that one. Howard also said that Fred was the one who wrote he lines for Breuer to read.
Hook Nose Mike called in and gave them some technical help. He told Howard there's no show on hold and Howard sounded like he was a bit far from the microphone. Howard said he's right and they're not allowing him to over modulate like he used to do at K-Rock. Gary tested out his speaker from his office but Howard didn't like the way that sounded either. Gary changed the way he was doing that by bending in really close to the microphone. Howard told him that he really has to get his teeth made smaller, that's the problem.
Ralph finally called in and gave them some feedback on how the show was sounding. He said Robin sounded the worst out of everyone. He said she sounded like she was in a tube or something. That led to Fred playing the Ben Stern ''Green type of tube / Proper Modulation'' audio clip. Howard took a call from another guy and asked him what he thought about the sound, not the content. Ralph interrupted and said that the content was great and it was even better than what K-Rock had on today. Howard's test show is better than the regular shows that are on Howard's old station.
11:50am... Howard asked Gary where his megaphone was so he could test that. Gary said they may not have unpacked it yet. Howard was hearing all kinds of odd noises coming from the studio so he tried to track that down. It turns out it was Fred's mic and headphones that were taken off. Howard let the caller go but Ralph came in again and let Howard know that what he did with Gary on New Years Eve was great. Howard said that this satellite stuff is great because he can do what he wants without worrying about commercials and stuff.
Howard spent a short time talking about the call he made on New Year's Eve and how he was trying to mess around with Beth. He said he told Beth he almost whacked off on her ass but she told him it's good that he didn't. Ralph did that to a woman one time so the guys talked about that for a minute. Ralph said he actually did it twice to that woman. Howard jokingly said that Beth told him that she would divorce him if he ever did that to her. He said ''Oops!'' as he said that.
Howard talked about how his daughter is in a play where she appears naked and people are wondering how he feels about that. He said he really doesn't know anything about it, she's her own person and ended up leaving the play after getting into an argument with the director of the play. The article he was reading was saying that he's a bad father and his daughter is doing what the women do that come in his studio. He said that his daughter is a great kid and he's very proud of her. He's got no problem with what she did and didn't make her quit.
12:00pm... Howard said he wasn't going to do a regular show but that's exactly what he was doing. He ended up talking about the ''Supertwink'' movie that Artie made an appearance in and how he really was in the worst movie ever made. Artie said he did it to help those guys out, he didn't know what it was going to be like. Howard took another phone call and Gary pointed out that all of the phone calls were sounding great.
Howard did some more testing and had all of the guys in the studio speak while he had a phone caller on the line. The caller said that everyone sounded good over the phone but Fred sounded even louder than Howard. Fred suggested that Howard try using a mic like he's using but Howard wanted to get his mic fixed instead.
Another caller said that he was listening to Adam Carolla out on the West Coast and this test show was better than Adam's show. Gary said that Adam is great and they just need some time to develop their shows. That led to Howard talking about how he doesn't care what's going on out in the FM radio world. He said that when people buy satellite radio, they will never go back to FM. When someone gets bored with his show, they'll just change the channel and listen to something else on SIRIUS.
Howard and Robin were talking about working up there at SIRIUS and how they see some celebrities up there. Robin mentioned Martha Stewart's daughter which led to Howard saying that she's a little ''cuntie'' to him. He said he really doesn't want to curse a lot on his show and that may have been the wrong thing to say. He said that maybe she was just a little stand-offish.
Howard tested out some more of his music library by taking some requests. Artie suggested 99 Luft Balloons which Fred found first. Howard said he had a bunch of versions of that song and as he was playing one of them, he said he thinks the chick in that band is kind of cuntie. He read off the list of all of the versions of the song and played a couple of clips from some of those versions.
12:10pm... Howard said he thinks he's getting closer to being ready for the show. He asked the guys how he could get rid of some of the bits that show up on his computer screen. Sal the Stockbroker came in and explained to him how he will have a list of the bits he wants each day. That was fine but Howard wanted to be able to make his own list. Sal said that Howard could drag and drop the bits to his own column. Howard screwed around with that for a short time and tried to get things straight so he'd be ready for next Monday.
Howard was going to play a bit that he had in his system but then figured he'd have to wait until Monday to play them. They have the Pat O'Brien audio clips to play uncensored but those will be saved for next week. Howard wanted to hear the song parody they created with those clips though because now they can play it uncensored.
Howard took a call from a guy who said that things are sounding better already but Artie sounds off a little. Artie agreed and said it sounds kind of funny like he's talking into a can or something. Howard tried to get that straightened out but it wasn't changing.
Fred found the song parody that Howard wanted to play with the Pat O'Brien clips. Howard played the song that was uncensored and had Pat talking dirty to a woman one night last year. Gary was laughing his ass off because he had never heard some of the clips uncensored. At one point Pat talks about beating off on a woman's face and he'd never heard that. Howard said he's done that to women when they've asked for it. Sometimes he aims for a woman's chest and hits their face instead. He's never made a phone call to a woman where he tells her that.
12:20pm... Sal came in again and pointed out how he had highlighted a clip for Howard to play. Sal described it saying that the woman was gagging on a cock and puking on it. That led to Howard telling Sal that once they do the regular show, he's no longer allowed to curse on the air. Richard Christy came in and asked if he could punish Sal by putting his balls on his face if he curses. Howard thought that was kind of weird but said that could be the punishment. Sal cursed so there was talk of Richard putting his balls on his face but Sal said that it's not until January 9th. Howard told Sal and Richard that the cursing goes a little too far sometimes and they have to cut back on it. He talked about how bad their movie ''Supertwink'' turned out because of stuff like that.
Howard said that on Monday they're going commercial free for four hours. He's not sure how he'll take breaks so Gary suggested that they play a song or something. That led to the guys talking about how insane the commercial breaks were at K-Rock. Artie had time to run down to Mangia, wait in line, get his food and come back and eat before the commercials were over. That's how many commercials got played.
Dan the Farter was on the phone and congratulated him on the new show. That led to the guys talking about how many new subscribers SIRIUS has brought in lately and they're already up to 3.3 million subscribers. The guys talked about how it's not as complicated to set up the radio in your house to broadcast to all of the FM radios in your house so you can get the signal all over your house. You just use the built in FM Modulator to broadcast the signal to an empty frequency.
Howard got back to Dan the Farter and had him blast away for him to do some tests. Howard asked him to put the phone up his ass to do some tests. Dan was afraid that he'd ruin the phone but it sounded like he may have shoved it in pretty close. Howard had him fart away freely since they were banned from playing farts that were ''too wet'' sounding when they were over at K-Rock. Fred played some classical music for Dan to fart to as well.
12:30pm... Howard and the guys talked about their new call in number, 888-9-ASSHOLE, and how that came about. Howard said that word was something that they weren't allowed to use on their show even though other people were allowed to use it on their radio shows.
Howard started to get into his crack-like addiction to but figured he was doing a show again and not testing so he cut himself off. Artie tested out his microphone again and said it was sounding better. Howard's mic was cutting out but it didn't seem like he was aware of that.
Howard tested out his harmonizer along with Robin. They screwed around with the settings and had some fun with that. Everyone was on so Artie, Robin, Gary and Howard were all deep-voiced. After a couple of minutes Howard decided to come out of that. Artie asked if they could go high instead of low. Howard wasn't able to make it happen right away so he had to ask Scott the Engineer to figure it out.
12:40pm... Howard said that he was getting a lot of calls about the article that came out about his daughter. He had to explain to everyone what was going on. Gary said he heard that Howard 100 News wasn't sure if they were going to be allowed to cover it. Howard said he doesn't care if they do or not. He went on to talk about how he was watching the first ''Superman'' movie this morning and how great it was. Gary asked him if he knew who won ''the game'' last night. Howard said ''what game'' and didn't know anything about any sports stuff.
Ralph called back in and told Howard that Robin sounded better now but Artie still sounded off. Howard's voice was also off and sounded too ''big'' to him. Since Ralph was on the line Howard got into a discussion about how Ralph was bugging him with a story about all of the radio people who have taken over for him. He did his impression of Ralph and goofed on him a little bit. Howard was also talking about how weird it was to hear K-Rock promoting the new jocks they had coming in and how he felt like his radio station was being hijacked. He called Mel Karmazin since he was the only other person who could possibly relate to how he was feeling. Mel told him that he really didn't care when he left.
Howard got back to testing again and messed around with a CD player in the studio. It was a bit loud and Thom told him that they really can't change the output from the player because it's digital. Robin asked Howard to test out his TV setup. They weren't wired for a signal yet though so Thom let Howard know he still had to do that.
12:50pm... Robin was also wondering about her news clips so they tried to figure out how that was going to work. Everything will be going through this Prophet system that they kept talking about. Howard will have to play the clips from his computer and he wants to be able to play other clips so they have to figure out where to put everything. He played a prank call that Benjy made to an old lady one time. The call was never played uncensored so this was the first time it was played that way. Howard figured it was about time to wrap up the test since he was supposed to be on vacation.
Howard said there are a lot of other things to test out but they'll have to wait. Robin tested one more thing with her talk-back microphone. It cut Howard's head phones off so Howard asked the guys to fix that. Gary's office mic was still off so Howard said they have to get that fixed as well.
Howard took another phone call from a guy who asked if the show was going to be in stereo when they go live next week. Howard wasn't sure but the engineers told him that they were in stereo as they were broadcasting today. It's all in stereo but when the guys speak, they're all in mono. Fred told Howard that when they were being broadcast around the country, all of the affiliates got the show in mono. This show will be in stereo. Howard and Artie joked that the guy had to pay an additional $2 per month to get the stereo feed.
1:00pm... So much for ending the test. Howard continued to do his show and played a Jamie Foxx song. Robin wanted the censored version but Howard wanted to hear the N-word. He tried playing one version and didn't get what he wanted.
Howard was told that they may have some problems with the wireless mics in there so they were going to test them out to find out if they were really popping. Howard did some more tests and took another call from Gay Ramone who said that he has the SIRIUS S50
tuner and he's wondering when the home docking station will be available. Howard said he has one of the units and loves it. He described the unit to Robin who said that this is the unit she needs so she can listen in the car. Gary said it acts kind of like a TiVo so you can rewind and fast forward to hear stuff over again. He was telling the guys about how a friend of his likes the Jets and the tuner will remind him when a Jets game is on. Artie did an impression of that voice and said ''The Jets will be sucking now...'' to which Gary responded with a long awaited ''Fuck you Artie.''
Howard was kind up upset that these radios aren't available to the fans. He can't be going out to promote the stuff if it's not available for people to purchase. Gary said that there are many other units available that people can buy.
1:10pm... Wendy the Retard called in for the first time on SIRIUS so Howard messed around with her for a short time. He was asking her questions to which she answered ''yes'' to no matter what they were. Howard was asking her about being raped by certain upper-management there at SIRIUS and she was playing along as usual. Howard once again figured he was doing a show and had to get back to testing.
Another caller got Howard talking about Ambien. Howard hasn't been able to sleep lately so he's been taking a lot of that stuff. He said that there are some new strengths that will keep you asleep even if your house is burning down. He said he hasn't gotten that one yet but it sounds good to him. He said when he goes to sleep he wants to stay asleep and the regular strength Ambien doesn't do it for him.
Gary said that he's taken Ambien on airline flights and he sleeps like a rock. Howard and Artie were joking about Gary having someone cum on his face while he's sleeping. Howard mentioned that he had somewhere to go so he had to wrap things up. He played a promo for the show that he didn't like all that much and Sal had something to do with it. He played another one where Jim Breuer sings the new phone number 888-9-ASSHOLE to the tune of AC/DC's ''For Those About To Rock...'' There were a bunch of other show promos that Howard whipped through Sal and Richard created one to the tune of Billy Squier's ''Stroke Me'' that was pretty funny.
1:20pm... Howard asked everyone if there was anything else to test. Artie was all set in his new spot. Benjy was set, Robin was ready... but the studio was a little hot according to Gary. The guys figure they can fix that, unlike the way they had things set up over at WXRK. Scott the Engineer said that the thermostat they have there is actually worse than the one at K-Rock. Howard wants a regular thermostat that's easy to set.
Shuli was hanging out in the studio to get some comments for Howard 100 News that will air later this evening around 6pm. Gary said that Howard was looking a little irritated as he was the other day. He said that he gets pounded with people from Howard 100 News and the guys from In Demand who are video taping the show for Howard Stern On Demand. He said he was ready to smash the door in Isaac's face.
Howard took another phone call from a guy who said how great this was. Howard said it might be great to him but not to them. The caller was also saying that maybe Howard could play some of his old clips if someone called in and ''accidentally'' played something from the old show over the phone. Howard said he doesn't know why they're making such a big deal out of that stuff and why they won't give them his old tapes to play. He said he just got another legal letter from them the other day where they reminded him that he can't play them.
Richard Christy came in and told Howard that he had already edited the Billy Squire song parody and loaded it into his machine to play. That's how quick the equipment is working. Howard wrapped up this test around 1:34pm.
Howard let everyone know that this was just a test, not a real show. He took some phone calls and Gary noticed that he sounded over modulated when listening through his headphones. The first phone caller suggested that Howard send the engineer out to listen to a radio to see how it sounds to him. Another phone caller told Howard that the sound was a little off to him. He thought Howard's voice had a little ''vibration'' as did everyone else on the show. Fred came through with a ''Good Vibrations'' song to play since the caller had mentioned the vibration thing.
11:30am... Sal the Stockbroker came in and told Howard that he set up the Prophet system for Howard... but Howard interrupted and said that Sal was giving him the puppy dog eyes this morning after seeing that his daughter was featured in a newspaper this morning because she's in a play appearing naked. Gary told Howard that Sal has been dying to help Howard out by bringing up the Prophet thing. That led to Sal complaining about Howard's bad review of the movie Supertwink that he and Richard created. Howard wanted to save this for the real show and asked him to leave the studio. Sal said he was just trying to help. Howard told Sal he could leave because he wasn't getting to the Prophet system yet.
Sal was on the verge of tears from what Howard was saying. He just wanted to help and he was getting bashed for doing that. Howard told Sal that he appreciates his help but he's really got to stop. He noticed that his voice was a little too low compared to everyone else's so he asked to get that fixed. He told Sal to go back to his cubby hole and get back to work.
Richard Christy came in and told Howard that Sal was devastated the other day when he got bashed in there. Sal was still whining like a baby so Fred played some baby crying sounds. Howard told Sal to go ahead and talk about whatever it was he wanted to talk about so he could get him out of there. Sal then told Howard that he set up the clips on his computer to simulate a stack of carts for the clips he loads into the system. Howard heard what he was saying and told him that he could leave now.
Gary said that Sal missed the meeting they had yesterday about this new Prophet System that they're using now and he was really upset that he missed it. He was apparently yelling at Richard for not reminding him about it. Gary said things got crazy. Howard cut him off and told him that they're starting to do a show now and not testing like he wanted to.
Gary tried to get back to the test by asking about the setup they have for the guests that will be sitting on the couch. Howard didn't understand his questions so Robin had to explain it to him. They found out that Howard may not be able to make an outgoing call from his board either but the engineers (Scott the Engineer included) told Howard that he will have the ability to do that. Howard made a phone call trying to get Ralph Cirella on the phone but he got a voice mail system.
Scott the Engineer said that they were trying to get Howard's voice to sound the same as it did over at K-Rock but the board was different and made it sound a little different. Howard asked who he'd have to blow to get that to work right. Scott let him know that he'd have to talk to Thom. Gary picked up on the fact that the microphones were still over modulated even though they had adjusted them.
11:40am... Howard said he had some great clips to play even though this wasn't a real show. He said that there are all kinds of revelations coming out about him in the paper but they're not the revelations that he wanted to talk about on Monday. He said he's got to talk about whether or not he's married, the fact that his daughter is in a play... nude... and more.
Howard played an audio clip that Jim Breuer did for the show as Joe Pesci. The clip was supposed to be like a scene from ''Goodfellas'' and it was very funny... but the audio was a little off. Howard thought the clip was great but wanted to cut in some of the real movie with that one. Howard also said that Fred was the one who wrote he lines for Breuer to read.
Hook Nose Mike called in and gave them some technical help. He told Howard there's no show on hold and Howard sounded like he was a bit far from the microphone. Howard said he's right and they're not allowing him to over modulate like he used to do at K-Rock. Gary tested out his speaker from his office but Howard didn't like the way that sounded either. Gary changed the way he was doing that by bending in really close to the microphone. Howard told him that he really has to get his teeth made smaller, that's the problem.
Ralph finally called in and gave them some feedback on how the show was sounding. He said Robin sounded the worst out of everyone. He said she sounded like she was in a tube or something. That led to Fred playing the Ben Stern ''Green type of tube / Proper Modulation'' audio clip. Howard took a call from another guy and asked him what he thought about the sound, not the content. Ralph interrupted and said that the content was great and it was even better than what K-Rock had on today. Howard's test show is better than the regular shows that are on Howard's old station.
11:50am... Howard asked Gary where his megaphone was so he could test that. Gary said they may not have unpacked it yet. Howard was hearing all kinds of odd noises coming from the studio so he tried to track that down. It turns out it was Fred's mic and headphones that were taken off. Howard let the caller go but Ralph came in again and let Howard know that what he did with Gary on New Years Eve was great. Howard said that this satellite stuff is great because he can do what he wants without worrying about commercials and stuff.
Howard spent a short time talking about the call he made on New Year's Eve and how he was trying to mess around with Beth. He said he told Beth he almost whacked off on her ass but she told him it's good that he didn't. Ralph did that to a woman one time so the guys talked about that for a minute. Ralph said he actually did it twice to that woman. Howard jokingly said that Beth told him that she would divorce him if he ever did that to her. He said ''Oops!'' as he said that.
Howard talked about how his daughter is in a play where she appears naked and people are wondering how he feels about that. He said he really doesn't know anything about it, she's her own person and ended up leaving the play after getting into an argument with the director of the play. The article he was reading was saying that he's a bad father and his daughter is doing what the women do that come in his studio. He said that his daughter is a great kid and he's very proud of her. He's got no problem with what she did and didn't make her quit.
12:00pm... Howard said he wasn't going to do a regular show but that's exactly what he was doing. He ended up talking about the ''Supertwink'' movie that Artie made an appearance in and how he really was in the worst movie ever made. Artie said he did it to help those guys out, he didn't know what it was going to be like. Howard took another phone call and Gary pointed out that all of the phone calls were sounding great.
Howard did some more testing and had all of the guys in the studio speak while he had a phone caller on the line. The caller said that everyone sounded good over the phone but Fred sounded even louder than Howard. Fred suggested that Howard try using a mic like he's using but Howard wanted to get his mic fixed instead.
Another caller said that he was listening to Adam Carolla out on the West Coast and this test show was better than Adam's show. Gary said that Adam is great and they just need some time to develop their shows. That led to Howard talking about how he doesn't care what's going on out in the FM radio world. He said that when people buy satellite radio, they will never go back to FM. When someone gets bored with his show, they'll just change the channel and listen to something else on SIRIUS.
Howard and Robin were talking about working up there at SIRIUS and how they see some celebrities up there. Robin mentioned Martha Stewart's daughter which led to Howard saying that she's a little ''cuntie'' to him. He said he really doesn't want to curse a lot on his show and that may have been the wrong thing to say. He said that maybe she was just a little stand-offish.
Howard tested out some more of his music library by taking some requests. Artie suggested 99 Luft Balloons which Fred found first. Howard said he had a bunch of versions of that song and as he was playing one of them, he said he thinks the chick in that band is kind of cuntie. He read off the list of all of the versions of the song and played a couple of clips from some of those versions.
12:10pm... Howard said he thinks he's getting closer to being ready for the show. He asked the guys how he could get rid of some of the bits that show up on his computer screen. Sal the Stockbroker came in and explained to him how he will have a list of the bits he wants each day. That was fine but Howard wanted to be able to make his own list. Sal said that Howard could drag and drop the bits to his own column. Howard screwed around with that for a short time and tried to get things straight so he'd be ready for next Monday.
Howard was going to play a bit that he had in his system but then figured he'd have to wait until Monday to play them. They have the Pat O'Brien audio clips to play uncensored but those will be saved for next week. Howard wanted to hear the song parody they created with those clips though because now they can play it uncensored.
Howard took a call from a guy who said that things are sounding better already but Artie sounds off a little. Artie agreed and said it sounds kind of funny like he's talking into a can or something. Howard tried to get that straightened out but it wasn't changing.
Fred found the song parody that Howard wanted to play with the Pat O'Brien clips. Howard played the song that was uncensored and had Pat talking dirty to a woman one night last year. Gary was laughing his ass off because he had never heard some of the clips uncensored. At one point Pat talks about beating off on a woman's face and he'd never heard that. Howard said he's done that to women when they've asked for it. Sometimes he aims for a woman's chest and hits their face instead. He's never made a phone call to a woman where he tells her that.
12:20pm... Sal came in again and pointed out how he had highlighted a clip for Howard to play. Sal described it saying that the woman was gagging on a cock and puking on it. That led to Howard telling Sal that once they do the regular show, he's no longer allowed to curse on the air. Richard Christy came in and asked if he could punish Sal by putting his balls on his face if he curses. Howard thought that was kind of weird but said that could be the punishment. Sal cursed so there was talk of Richard putting his balls on his face but Sal said that it's not until January 9th. Howard told Sal and Richard that the cursing goes a little too far sometimes and they have to cut back on it. He talked about how bad their movie ''Supertwink'' turned out because of stuff like that.
Howard said that on Monday they're going commercial free for four hours. He's not sure how he'll take breaks so Gary suggested that they play a song or something. That led to the guys talking about how insane the commercial breaks were at K-Rock. Artie had time to run down to Mangia, wait in line, get his food and come back and eat before the commercials were over. That's how many commercials got played.
Dan the Farter was on the phone and congratulated him on the new show. That led to the guys talking about how many new subscribers SIRIUS has brought in lately and they're already up to 3.3 million subscribers. The guys talked about how it's not as complicated to set up the radio in your house to broadcast to all of the FM radios in your house so you can get the signal all over your house. You just use the built in FM Modulator to broadcast the signal to an empty frequency.
Howard got back to Dan the Farter and had him blast away for him to do some tests. Howard asked him to put the phone up his ass to do some tests. Dan was afraid that he'd ruin the phone but it sounded like he may have shoved it in pretty close. Howard had him fart away freely since they were banned from playing farts that were ''too wet'' sounding when they were over at K-Rock. Fred played some classical music for Dan to fart to as well.
12:30pm... Howard and the guys talked about their new call in number, 888-9-ASSHOLE, and how that came about. Howard said that word was something that they weren't allowed to use on their show even though other people were allowed to use it on their radio shows.
Howard started to get into his crack-like addiction to but figured he was doing a show again and not testing so he cut himself off. Artie tested out his microphone again and said it was sounding better. Howard's mic was cutting out but it didn't seem like he was aware of that.
Howard tested out his harmonizer along with Robin. They screwed around with the settings and had some fun with that. Everyone was on so Artie, Robin, Gary and Howard were all deep-voiced. After a couple of minutes Howard decided to come out of that. Artie asked if they could go high instead of low. Howard wasn't able to make it happen right away so he had to ask Scott the Engineer to figure it out.
12:40pm... Howard said that he was getting a lot of calls about the article that came out about his daughter. He had to explain to everyone what was going on. Gary said he heard that Howard 100 News wasn't sure if they were going to be allowed to cover it. Howard said he doesn't care if they do or not. He went on to talk about how he was watching the first ''Superman'' movie this morning and how great it was. Gary asked him if he knew who won ''the game'' last night. Howard said ''what game'' and didn't know anything about any sports stuff.
Ralph called back in and told Howard that Robin sounded better now but Artie still sounded off. Howard's voice was also off and sounded too ''big'' to him. Since Ralph was on the line Howard got into a discussion about how Ralph was bugging him with a story about all of the radio people who have taken over for him. He did his impression of Ralph and goofed on him a little bit. Howard was also talking about how weird it was to hear K-Rock promoting the new jocks they had coming in and how he felt like his radio station was being hijacked. He called Mel Karmazin since he was the only other person who could possibly relate to how he was feeling. Mel told him that he really didn't care when he left.
Howard got back to testing again and messed around with a CD player in the studio. It was a bit loud and Thom told him that they really can't change the output from the player because it's digital. Robin asked Howard to test out his TV setup. They weren't wired for a signal yet though so Thom let Howard know he still had to do that.
12:50pm... Robin was also wondering about her news clips so they tried to figure out how that was going to work. Everything will be going through this Prophet system that they kept talking about. Howard will have to play the clips from his computer and he wants to be able to play other clips so they have to figure out where to put everything. He played a prank call that Benjy made to an old lady one time. The call was never played uncensored so this was the first time it was played that way. Howard figured it was about time to wrap up the test since he was supposed to be on vacation.
Howard said there are a lot of other things to test out but they'll have to wait. Robin tested one more thing with her talk-back microphone. It cut Howard's head phones off so Howard asked the guys to fix that. Gary's office mic was still off so Howard said they have to get that fixed as well.
Howard took another phone call from a guy who asked if the show was going to be in stereo when they go live next week. Howard wasn't sure but the engineers told him that they were in stereo as they were broadcasting today. It's all in stereo but when the guys speak, they're all in mono. Fred told Howard that when they were being broadcast around the country, all of the affiliates got the show in mono. This show will be in stereo. Howard and Artie joked that the guy had to pay an additional $2 per month to get the stereo feed.
1:00pm... So much for ending the test. Howard continued to do his show and played a Jamie Foxx song. Robin wanted the censored version but Howard wanted to hear the N-word. He tried playing one version and didn't get what he wanted.
Howard was told that they may have some problems with the wireless mics in there so they were going to test them out to find out if they were really popping. Howard did some more tests and took another call from Gay Ramone who said that he has the SIRIUS S50
tuner and he's wondering when the home docking station will be available. Howard said he has one of the units and loves it. He described the unit to Robin who said that this is the unit she needs so she can listen in the car. Gary said it acts kind of like a TiVo so you can rewind and fast forward to hear stuff over again. He was telling the guys about how a friend of his likes the Jets and the tuner will remind him when a Jets game is on. Artie did an impression of that voice and said ''The Jets will be sucking now...'' to which Gary responded with a long awaited ''Fuck you Artie.''
Howard was kind up upset that these radios aren't available to the fans. He can't be going out to promote the stuff if it's not available for people to purchase. Gary said that there are many other units available that people can buy.
1:10pm... Wendy the Retard called in for the first time on SIRIUS so Howard messed around with her for a short time. He was asking her questions to which she answered ''yes'' to no matter what they were. Howard was asking her about being raped by certain upper-management there at SIRIUS and she was playing along as usual. Howard once again figured he was doing a show and had to get back to testing.
Another caller got Howard talking about Ambien. Howard hasn't been able to sleep lately so he's been taking a lot of that stuff. He said that there are some new strengths that will keep you asleep even if your house is burning down. He said he hasn't gotten that one yet but it sounds good to him. He said when he goes to sleep he wants to stay asleep and the regular strength Ambien doesn't do it for him.
Gary said that he's taken Ambien on airline flights and he sleeps like a rock. Howard and Artie were joking about Gary having someone cum on his face while he's sleeping. Howard mentioned that he had somewhere to go so he had to wrap things up. He played a promo for the show that he didn't like all that much and Sal had something to do with it. He played another one where Jim Breuer sings the new phone number 888-9-ASSHOLE to the tune of AC/DC's ''For Those About To Rock...'' There were a bunch of other show promos that Howard whipped through Sal and Richard created one to the tune of Billy Squier's ''Stroke Me'' that was pretty funny.
1:20pm... Howard asked everyone if there was anything else to test. Artie was all set in his new spot. Benjy was set, Robin was ready... but the studio was a little hot according to Gary. The guys figure they can fix that, unlike the way they had things set up over at WXRK. Scott the Engineer said that the thermostat they have there is actually worse than the one at K-Rock. Howard wants a regular thermostat that's easy to set.
Shuli was hanging out in the studio to get some comments for Howard 100 News that will air later this evening around 6pm. Gary said that Howard was looking a little irritated as he was the other day. He said that he gets pounded with people from Howard 100 News and the guys from In Demand who are video taping the show for Howard Stern On Demand. He said he was ready to smash the door in Isaac's face.
Howard took another phone call from a guy who said how great this was. Howard said it might be great to him but not to them. The caller was also saying that maybe Howard could play some of his old clips if someone called in and ''accidentally'' played something from the old show over the phone. Howard said he doesn't know why they're making such a big deal out of that stuff and why they won't give them his old tapes to play. He said he just got another legal letter from them the other day where they reminded him that he can't play them.
Richard Christy came in and told Howard that he had already edited the Billy Squire song parody and loaded it into his machine to play. That's how quick the equipment is working. Howard wrapped up this test around 1:34pm.