Howard Stern Show News Archives.
For The Week Of 11/22/99 to 11/26/99
-- Monday November 22, 1999 --
- The Best Of Stern. 11/22/99.
Howard and the rest of the crew are on Thanksgiving vacation for the week. They'll be back live next week, November 29. Here are some of the bits played on today's ''Best Of Stern'':
- ''My Name Is..Stuttering John'' song parody
- ''Jokeland Monopoly'' commercial parody
- ''Jackie Killed Me'' pet food commercial parody
- Sternac The Improbable
- Stuttering John sets up a phony phone call on Gary
- Howard swaps Vietnam stories with DJ Max Kinkle
- Howard reads listener mail from a woman who wrote a full page of ''You Suck''
- Howard talks to the woman who wrote the letter and finds out her husband actually wrote it
- Stuttering John and Steve Grillo tell Howard about their Spike Lee interview incident
- Howard plays a Stuttering John interview with Michael Cain
- Howard talks about Jackie being pussy whipped after he failed to tell anyone that he wasn't going to Scores
-- Tuesday November 23, 1999 --
- The Best Of Stern. 11/23/99.
Day two of reruns. Here's what we heard today:
- Howard Stern jingle to the tune of Fidelity Diamond's theme song
- ''Homeless Brady Bunch'' bit
- ''Howard's Johnson'' TV commercial parody
- Steve Grillo's ''I'm Too Zexy'' song parody
- Howard discusses Gary's life with a baby
- The Phone Ranger plays a phony phone call to Kathleen Sullivan for Howard
- Robin proposes to actor Kevin Pollack as a goof
- Homo Valentine's Day - two guys call in to profess their love for each other
- Robin announces that she wants to be known as ''Robin Ophelia Quivers''
- Wood Yi (Steve The Engineer) makes one of his first appearances
- Anna Nicole Smith interview
- Howard goofs on a woman who accidentally called the wrong station to make a music request
-- Wednesday November 24, 1999 --
- The Best Of Stern. 11/24/99.
Day 3 of reruns.. Here's what we heard today:
- Howard Stern jingle to the tune of the Lee Myles jingle
- George Michael movie marathon listing parody
- The Backside Boys ''Gay Way'' song parody
- Howard talks about how bad Spike Lee is as a director
- Howard gives advice to a woman who's sleeping with a man other than her husband
- Howard talks to a guy who claims to have spanked Richard Simmons
- Gary tells Howard a story about Richard Simmons coming over to his apartment building and crying
- Howard argues with a listener about Jamaica
- Howard complains about the gifts Jackie's wife bought for his new born daughter, a blue night light and a polyester outfit
- Jackie's wife and Howard's wife call in to discuss the gifts
- Howard gets pissed when he learns that Gary leaves his personal mail out in the open
- Howard discusses how weird it is that Fred's wife is doing a make-out scene in a play
-- Thursday November 25, 1999 --
- The Best Of Stern. 11/25/99.
Happy Thanksgiving! Here's what we heard on today's ''Best Of Stern'':
- Stern Show theme song to the tune of ''Gilligan's Island'' theme song
- Monica Lewinsky shampoo commercial parody
- The Losers perform ''Wipeout'' on Magic Johnson's show
- Stuttering John interviews Marlo Thomas and Gloria Steinham
- Sternac
- Howard interviews Al Sharpton and James Brown
- Gary breaks the news to Howard that he's engaged
- Howard discusses Jenny Jones' hardened breast implants and People Magazine
-- Friday November 26, 1999 --
- The Best Of Stern. 11/26/99.
The 5th and final day of Best Of.. Here's what we heard:
- ''The Singing Stern Family'' commercial parody
- ''Dyko'' movie commercial parody
- Gary sings ''These Teeth Are Made For Chompin''
- Scott the Engineer's smoking is discussed
- Stuttering John interviews Larry King, Yogi Berra and Tommy Lasorda
- Howard talks to reporter Joe Logan about his incorrect predictions for Howard's show
- Stuttering John interviews Rosie O'Donnell, Madonna's publicist and Penny Marshall
- Jackie explains why he backed out of a charity event
- Howard wonders why he looks so different in pictures
- Phony phone call made by Bob A. from Bouey, Maryland
- Howard talks about an argument he had with Tom Chiusano about The Greaseman
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