Howard Stern Show News Archives.

For The Week Of 1/25/99 to 1/29/99

-- Monday January 25, 1999 --

  • Howard Prepares For The NATPE Convention. 1/25/99. 6:00am
    First thing this morning Howard was talking about who will be down at the NATPE(National Association of Television Program Executives) convention when they're down there on Thursday. Howard and the gang will be doing a show from the NATPE convention on Thursday and there will be a lot of people Howard doesn't like at the event. The short list so far is Rosie O'Donnell, Kathie Lee Gifford, Richard Simmons and Whoopi Goldberg. Howard said that if he sees Rosie and she mouths off to him he'll yell at her. He said that he can take her. Robin asked him if he thinks he can actually take her on. He said that she weighs about 3 pounds more than he does but he thinks he can.

  • The Losers Rehearse For James Brown Appearance. 1/25/99. 6:20am
    Tomorrow James Brown is coming on the show so Howard and his band ''The Losers'' will be backing him up on a song. Howard had them rehearse a couple of songs so they could decide which one to play. They tried ''Say It Loud, I'm Black and I'm Proud'' and ''I Feel Good.'' Fred was singing lead with Robin backing him up on ''Say It Loud.'' Howard was on keyboards, Jackie on bass and Stuttering John was on drums. Gary was attempting to play his trumpet but he's a little bit out of practice so it sounded awful. That's the whole point of having him play though. So after they tried the two songs I believe they decided to do ''I Feel Good'' because it's a little easier to play. Tune in tomorrow to hear how they do. After the rehersal Howard pointed out how red KC was this morning. It turns out that KC went to a tanning salon this weekend and turned bright red. Howard wondered why he would subject himself to something like that. KC said that he thinks a nice tan is healthy looking on a person. Howard asked him if he knows that tanning is no good for your skin. KC said that it's a controlled environment for a controlled amount of time so it's okay. Howard told him that maybe instead of tanning he should be taking a class so he can learn how to spell. He said that KC can't spell ''the'' sometimes and he needs to do something about it. KC told Howard that he has a spell check now so why would he want to take a class. KC said that the tan gives him self confidence.

  • Howard Talks About His Nonexistent Web Site. 1/25/99. 6:50am
    A caller brought up the subject of Howard not having a web site. As we all know Howard doesn't have an official web site for the show. He said that if he did do one he'd do it ''the right way'' and have all of his TV appearances on the site and it would be worth visiting. He said he wouldn't be like all of the other lame radio station sites and sell some crappy merchandise. Howard's not in any rush to do it though. After telling the guy that he'd do it the right way he mumbled that he'd have to hire a whole team of people to maintain the site. That means more money and if Howard's only going to stay on radio until his contract is up in 2000, that site may never materialize. In other words, don't hold your breath waiting for an official site.

  • NATPE Updates Coming In Already. 1/25/99. 7:20am
    Some of the crew from E! and Howard's radio station are already down in New Orleans for the NATPE convention. Scott the Engineer is down there and he was in the process of doing a speech about how Howard can broadcast from anywhere when he fell through the stage and got wedged in. Howard got him on the phone to find out what happened. Scott said that he was walking up the stage while looking backwards. What he didn't see was a pit covered by a black cloth. He fell into the pit and got stuck. He said it took 4 guys to pull him out because of the awkward way he was stuck. He said there was no way to pull himself out of the hole so he had to have people help him. He wasn't seriously injured so he can't even sue for injuries. As usual, Scott is a loser. The other news from the convention is Ralph the fag. Howard heard that Ralph has changed hotel rooms 3 times while he's been there. Howard got him on the phone to find out what's going on. Ralph said he's only changed rooms twice. He said that the first room had a funky smell in it and the second room was too small so they gave him an upgrade. This kind of stuff pisses Howard off because it makes him look bad. He thinks that if someone from his show pulls stuff like that the hotel people look down on him. Ralph doesn't care. He said that he wants to be comfortable while he's there. Ralph was also telling Howard how he was out throwing beads to get women to take their tops off. He was unaware that it's Mardi Gras time and said that it must go on all year long. Ralph said there were some nice breasts down there.

  • Comedian Robert Schimmel Begs For Votes. 1/25/99. 7:40am
    Comedian Robert Schimmel has been nominated for an American Comedy Award. He called in this morning to ask for people to vote for him over at Comedy Central's web site to help him out. He said that it's the fans who make the decision on who wins. He told Howard that the last time he checked he was in last place behind 3 guys he'd never even heard of. Howard's a big fan of Bob's so he let him plug this thing so all of us could make him number one. All you have to do is head over to Comedy Central and click on the link for the American Comedy Awards, scroll down to the bottom and pick Robert Schimmel as your vote. You can also vote for your favorite female comedian but who gives a rats ass about that? Bob told Howard that his wife is pregnant with their 4th kid and she's over due. He said that he's seen his other 3 kids born so if this one came when he was supposed to be on the show, he'd do the show no matter what. Bob told Howard a couple of funny stories before Howard had to move on to other things.

  • Pat Cooper Calls In. 1/25/99. 9:00am
    Angry comedian Pat Cooper called in to tell Robert Schimmel not to be upset if he doesn't win the American Comedy Award. Pat told Howard that all of those awards shows are set up and that Comedy Central ''takes care'' of it's own people. He said that Robert shouldn't worry about crap like that and he should just do his thing. That was about all Pat had to say. He was only on the phone for about 3 minutes or so. Howard asked him where he's appearing and Pat told him that he sold out the Foxwood's casino up in Connecticut.

  • One Disaster After Another. 1/25/99. 9:30am
    Wow! What a day this turned out to be. Around 9:30 or so Howard got word that there were some people who just showed up at the station to do something bizarre. So bizarre that every time Howard said what it was the delay was hit. It had something to do with a guy drinking some woman's urine or something like that. The real problem came when Howard found out that all of the people weren't even at the station yet but Howard was under the impression they were. That led to Howard yelling about KC not knowing what he's talking about and then yelling at Gary for not knowing what's going on. At one point Howard fired Gary (for the millionth time) and told him to pack his things and get out. That has happened many times in the past so it didn't actually happen. The next thing that was f'd up was Robin's news tapes that are supposed to be done by that time of the morning. They only had a few tapes that they were waiting for so Howard was pissed once again. This time there were computer crashes and Scott the Engineer didn't tell someone how to do something while he's away.. etc. etc. It was all a big mess so Howard just took a break to calm down and find out what the hell was going on. After the break he said he threw a tantrum about the air conditioning in the studio during the break. Then while playing Robin's news tapes there were more problems. They still didn't have half the tapes they needed and the ones they did have weren't re-cued so they'd start in the middle. It was just one thing after another..

    -- Tuesday January 26, 1999 --

  • Gary The Retard Checks In. 1/26/99. 6:20am
    Gary the retard called in this morning to find out when they'll be throwing his big birthday bash. Gary needed to check his calendar to make sure he'd be free to be there. Howard let him know that it'll be on February 26 and apparently his calendar is free that day. Gary's not sure if he's going to be 46 or 47 years old but age doesn't matter right? Howard spent a minute talking to Gary about his hatred for Jews. The last time Gary was on the show they found out that he doesn't like Jewish people because of the way they speak or something like that. Robin tried to get a decent answer out of him but it ain't easy getting an answer out of a retard.

  • David Brenner Comes In. 1/26/99. 7:15am
    Comedian David Brenner came in to promote his appearances at the Resorts casino down in Atlantic City this week. He'll be there from January 26 through February 1. He and Howard spoke about all of the women he's gotten over his life and how he will never get married. He's been with his current girlfriend for 11 years now and they get along great without getting married. Shortly after he came in Howard got a call from comedian Robert Schimmel who was on the show yesterday. Schimmel explained how the voting for the American Comedy Awards on Comedy Central's web site went screwy after his appearance yesterday. He told Howard that he went from dead last to having 5000 more votes than the second place guy. But then the scores disappeared. His publicist told him that Comedy Central said the scores were never meant to be seen by the public so they've hidden them now. What a crock of shit that is. They probably just don't want people to see the real scores so they can pick someone other than the real winner. Schimmel said that people should still head over there and vote for him. After that call Howard spent a little while longer talking to Brenner about various things. Brenner tells long stories so there wasn't a lot worth mentioning. Brenner did tell Howard how bright Mike Tyson is though. Howard found that very hard to believe but Brenner sure does.

  • Mumia Abu-Jamal Debate. 1/26/99. 8:00am
    You want confusion? You got it. Here in the New York area there's a concert being held to raise money for the defense of a guy who was convicted of murdering a cop back in 1981-82. Rage Against The Machine is the band behind the concert and they think that this guy Mumia deserves an appeal because they think he didn't receive a fair trial. Howard had Tom Morello from Rage Against the Machine on the phone along with the dead cop's widow, Maureen Faulkner. Also on the phone were Leonard Weinglass who is Mumia's attorney and Hugh Barns the assistant D.A. for Philadelphia. Howard wanted to get both sides of the story and that's what he got. Morello started it off by giving his opinion about the whole thing. To make a long story short he thinks that Mumia is innocent and deserves to have an appeal even though the Supreme Court of PA has refused it. Maureen thinks that it's all a bunch of crap and said she knows that Mumia is guilty of the murder. Everyone argued their points over and over again and got nowhere. Howard doesn't think that the band should be raising funds for someone who was convicted of murdering a cop but that's their choice. There are far too many details in this mess for me to get into so you can make your own decision by visiting Maureen's web sites at or Or check out Mumia's web site at

  • James Brown Comes In. 1/26/99. 8:35am
    Legendary singer James Brown came in to promote his new album ''I'm Back.'' James was all wound up when he came in and immediately went over to get Robin. He wanted her to come out of her ''fish tank'' to give him a hug. She didn't come out but told him she would later. He and Howard spent some time talking about women. James also told Howard that he uses Viagra when he has sex. He's 65 so he needs a little boost to get himself going sometimes. James spent a couple of minutes talking about how great Howard is. They love each other. Howard had James' entourage come in to introduce themselves also. There were a bunch of people with him. There were record company people and a couple of women singers who James really enjoys. His bodyguard ''Snowman'' was also there. Eventually Howard got James to do an impromptu performance of ''I Feel Good'' with The Losers. The Losers consisted of Howard on keyboards, Fred on lead guitar, Jackie on bass and Stuttering John on drums. Gary is down in New Orleans preparing for the Thursday show from the NATPE convention so he wasn't there to play trumpet. Maybe that's why they sounded so good. They did that song then James pushed Howard off the keyboards and had some other guy play while James' female singer did a song. Howard hadn't planned on them doing that song and he tried to end it by taking a commercial break but it just kept going on. Howard said James was yelling at Stuttering John for his lousy drum playing during the second song. Before James left Howard played some of James' new single ''Funk On Ah Roll'' which has a '90's kind of sound to it. He also played a little bit of ''Peace In The World'' which James was begging for him to play.

    -- Wednesday January 27, 1999 --

  • The Best Of Stern. 1/27/99.
    Howard will be broadcasting live from the NATPE convention in New Orleans tomorrow so he was off today. Here are some of today's featured segments:

    -- Thursday January 28, 1999 --

  • Howard Broadcasting From The NATPE Convention. 1/28/99. 6:00am
    Today's show was taped down at the NATPE(National Association of Television Program Executives) Convention. The convention is where people take their shows to try and sell them to networks and TV stations. They kept promoting it like it was going to be ''Live'' but it wasn't. They must have taped it yesterday. Howard started off the show by interviewing actor James Brolin who's married to Barbara Streisand. Cindy Margolis and Elephant Boy were also there. Mr. Brolin actually said he and Barbara do listen to Howard's show often. Brolin said that for Halloween he dressed up as Howard. Brolin was at the convention promoting his show ''Pensicola'' and the show is produced by Eyemark Entertainment. Eyemark is the same company that does Howard's show so they must have talked him into doing Howard's radio show. Surprisingly, Brolin was pretty willing to talk about his relationship with Barbara Streisand. He told Howard that it took about a week before the two of them had sex. He also admitted that the two of them held hands while having massages done on them. That was one of Mike Walker's gossip game stories a while back. The two of them live in Barbara's 7000 square foot home out in California.

  • Howard's Keynote Speech. 1/28/99. 6:40am
    Howard made the Keynote speech at the convention this year so he played tape of it. The whole thing was like 25 minutes long or so. He addressed about 4000 people in the audience and showed video of his past shows and ended up showing his new show highlights. He started with his WWOR show from the late 1980's and moved up through his appearances on shows like ''Late Show with David Letterman'' and ''The Magic Hour.'' At one point he asked the audience if they wanted to see a woman in a bikini. The audience cheered and out came Gary in his underwear. Howard later explained that he wanted to have Cindy Margolis come out in a bikini but her image is ''transitioning'' and her agency didn't want her to do it or some crap like that. After Howard's speech and video presentation he did a question and answer session with the audience. There wasn't much happening with that though. It was a bunch of lame questions about how he's trying to sell his show and crap like that.

  • Cindy Margolis Interviews Richard Simmons. 1/28/99. 7:15am
    After Howard played the tape of his speech he moved on to talk to John Henson from the E! Entertainment show ''Talk Soup.'' During that he had Cindy Margolis sneak over to Richard Simmons' autograph signing booth to interview him and ask him if he'd talk to Howard. They spoke to Henson for a minute and followed Cindy with a camera. Howard and Richard have been in a fight for a few years and haven't spoken in at least 2 years. Cindy made her way over and when Richard saw her he started singing to her. He kissed her and felt her angora dress. He sounded thrilled to see her. Then Howard instructed Cindy, through her headphones, to ask Richard if he'd talk to Howard. She asked him the big favor and Richard gasped for breath and ran away. Cindy was then escorted by security away from the area. I guess he's still not talking to Howard huh? John Henson told Howard that Richard probably really wants to BE Cindy Margolis. So the feud continues. Later in the show they said that Richard actually cried over the incident! What a woman..

  • Various Guests Drop By. 1/28/99. 7:50am
    There must have been a lot of guests to get to at this thing because Howard would only spend about 5 minutes with each one. David Hasslehoff from ''Baywatch'' stopped by and said hi. He told Howard that ''Baywatch'' is in it's 10th season now and has done 201 episodes. They spent a little bit of time talking about how the show has ditched all of the old characters and moved on to new ones.

    The next guest to stop by was Vanna White from ''Wheel of Fortune.'' Howard spent about 5 minutes with her but there wasn't much worth mentioning. She said that ''Wheel'' is sold through the year 2005 so her job is set for quite a while.

    Ex-NBC programming executive Warren Littlefield spent a few minutes with Howard also. Warren has been a fan of Howard's for a while. I think he even met with Howard when he was still at NBC. They talked about Warren's 20 years at NBC and about some of the shows he picked to put on the air. He told Howard that he's very proud that he put ''Frasier'' and ''Friends'' on while he was there. He was also behind the picking of Jay Leno to replace Johnny Carson on ''The Tonight Show.'' He told Howard that he thought that Jay would be better in a long term relationship with the network where Letterman wouldn't be. He said that Letterman is cutting edge but was very hard to get close to. He figured that Leno would be willing to go to every city to get affiliates and an audience so he suggested they pick him.

    Comedian Louie Anderson came on and said that he's trying to sell the new ''Family Feud'' show which he'll be hosting. If the show gets picked up it'll start in the fall of this year. Howard said Louie has lost a lot of weight so they spent a little while talking about that. They also talked about how unfunny Steve Allen is.

    Cindy Margolis was out wandering around and stopped at a booth for a show called ''Bikini Babe Bowl-A-Rama.'' It's just women in bikinis bowling. Howard said that he'd watch it if it was on. The guy at the booth said that no one has bought the show yet but they're hoping to get someone. He even showed Howard a little bit of the promotional video they have for the show. Robin pointed out that the production value was really poor on the tape.

    Yasmine Bleeth spent her 5 minutes talking with Howard about her boyfriend Richard Greico and how he had to go to rehab to get over his alcohol addiction before she'd move in with him. Yasmine is on ''Nash Bridges'' with Don Johnson and Cheech Marin. The show is going into syndication soon so she was there pushing that.

    Jenny Jones made a quick stop to talk with Howard. Howard wanted to know about her breast implant removal a couple of years back. He wondered what they did with the breast material after the took out the implants. Jenny said that they did a little bit of a lift on them so they wouldn't be too saggy. They also talked about how Jenny and Jackie the Jokeman used to be on the Stand-up comedy road together. Jenny said that Jackie was always really sweet when they were together.

    Lorenzo and Shauna Lammas stopped by to say hi real quick. The two of them are on ''Air America'' so they were there pushing that show. Lorenzo came in on crutches because he had his knee operated on recently. He had a cadaver ligament or something like that implanted in his knee. He said he has to have that done every once in a while because doing stunts and crap destroys his knee. His wife Shauna is 6 months pregnant but Howard said you can't even tell. She said she's gained 20 pounds though. They just had a kid 14 months ago so this pregnancy wasn't planned. Shauna, who has huge breasts, claims that they're natural but it's very hard to believe.

    Howard had Cindy Margolis out at some booth for Colonel Paul's cooking show. The guy makes meals that are considered aphrodisiacs. He had a chocolate silk with strawberries dessert that Cindy tried. Colonel Paul also played the spoons for Howard before he got bored and moved on.

    Tia Carrara stopped by for her 5 minutes. Tia is going to be doing a show called ''The Relic Hunter.'' She has appeared in the movies ''Wayne's World'' and ''Rising Sun.'' Howard spent most of the 5 minutes talking about how great her breasts are. She claims that they're natural. She told Howard that she worked with Fred in a movie and he would be able to confirm that they're real. Fred said that they do appear to be natural. Before Tia left she told Howard that he was very subdued today and that she was expecting him to be rude. Howard then jokingly said ''Okay, take off your top you bitch!'' Howard then introduced Elephant Boy as a Korean TV executive. Tia almost fell for it but didn't believe it.

    Pamela Anderson. Now that I have your attention... Howard went off on Ralph about him not showing up with his clothing for his big Keynote speech earlier in the morning. Howard was pissed that he had Ralph come all the way down to New Orleans and he fails to show up with his clothes. Ralph said that he never got his wake up call and his alarm didn't go off. He also said that he went to bed at 2 or 3 in the morning and had to be at Howard's room by 7:45 or so. Maybe he just slept through it. Howard even tried to call his room but he got no answer. Ralph swears that his phone must be broken. Then Howard told the story about how Ralph missed out on a night hanging out with Pamela Anderson. Howard was in the hotel when he, Robin and their agent Don went down to get something to eat. They ran into Whoopi Goldberg and Malcolm Jamal Warner. Howard said he thinks he agreed to do the new ''Hollywood Squares'' but he didn't mean it. Then he ran into the gorgeous Pamela Anderson and her two cute friends. Howard said he tried calling Ralph because the girls couldn't find a sex club to go to and Ralph would have been a good escort. Ralph didn't answer his phone. Howard told Ralph how Pam's spandex dress had a broken strap and her breast was just hanging out. The girls were complaining that there were no fun guys to be with and then ended up talking to Howard and Robin for 2 and a half hours. Howard said that all 3 were drunk and Ralph probably could have gotten one of them if he were there. Then Gary told Howard that Pam was on her way there. Pam showed up in another hot outfit. She told Howard that she loved hanging out with him the night before and that they had bonded. Her two friends also showed up and hung out for a while. Pam was saying that she's turned lesbian! She said that she went to a strip club and ended up kissing one of the female strippers! She said that the stripper was kissing her legs at one point. Then Pam kissed her one friend Emma right there on Howard's show. Emma wasn't into it though. Her friend Nat was also there and the two of them kissed each other. Nat and Pam are on the TV show ''V.I.P.'' together. Pam said that she hasn't had lesbian sex yet but it looks like it's heading that way. She does still have a boyfriend though. She said that she won't go back to Tommy Lee. Howard told everyone that after he hung out with Pam some guy followed him back to his hotel room. The guy told Howard that he knew those women would be coming up to the room to have sex with him so he had to see it for himself. Howard told the guy that he was just going to bed. The guy told him to give him a call if the women did show up. Howard went to sleep like the married man he is. Pam and her friends said that when they're in New York they'll all go to Scores with Howard. Is he having fun or what? Before the women left Ralph said that he knows of a sex club they could go to but all of the women were leaving that night. Poor Ralph..

    Cindy Margolis' last interview was with Butch Patrick. Butch played Eddie Munster on ''The Munsters'' TV show back in the '60's. He's promoting some TV show called ''1313 Theater.'' It takes place in the Munster's living room and it features guests watching old B-movies and goofing on them. He said there's been some interest in the show but it sounds like it's all from other countries. After that interview Howard thanked everyone and said they'll be back tomorrow live from the studio.

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