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Mark's Friggin' Nights Of Comedy At The Stone Tavern & Brewery and Millennium Comedy Club - September 26-27, 2002So much fun, so little time to type... I've written about these shows so many times before that it must be getting old by now. I know there are some people who love the stories though, so I'll do another quick one here. I've seen two Murderers Row comedy shows at this great little place called The Stone Tavern & Brewery in Bernardsville, NJ. This time it wasn't a Murderers Row show. It was Stuttering John, Jim Florentine, the Reverend Bob Levy, Eric McMahon and Modi. I've seen them all before so I knew it would be a good show. I had my girlfriend and a bunch of her co-workers as well as a former co-worker of mine with me at the show. There were about 10 of us sitting right in the front row. I knew that would mean that we'd get goofed on. Stuttering John showed up late after getting stuck in traffic and getting a little lost but no one was complaining. The show turned out to be great... as every one of them has been. The coolest part about the shows is that I get to hang out and talk to guys like Jim Florentine, Stuttering John, Rev. Bob Levy and all of the other comedians who do these shows. They're really cool to the people I have with me at the shows and everyone ends up having a great time. There were some other highlights from the Stone Tavern & Brewery. Dan the Song Parody Man showed up and hung out talking to me for a while. He's the guy who did the great 9/11 Metallica song that Howard played a few times during his 9/11 tribute show. These fans of the site, Big head Mark and Small head Brian, introduced themselves to me the last time I was up at the Tavern. They were there again and spent a couple of minutes talking to me again. Big head Mark also participated in the Beer Guzzling contest Stuttering John did at the end of the show. He didn't win but came close. The first time I was at the Stone Tavern, Anne Marie from the Stern Show was there and I almost titled my story ''Damn! Anne Marie is Hot!'' She showed up again so that was another great highlight of the night. She recognized me and gave me a wave when she walked in. She really is hot... and so nice. No wonder everyone on the show likes her so much.
After the show most of the comedians were hanging out in the lobby selling their CD's and t-shirts. As the crowd cleared we were all hanging out there and Stuttering John noticed the Rev. Bob Levy press photo they had hanging on the wall. He started goofing on it with Bob standing right next to him. Bob then started making fun of John's press photo which looked pretty strange too. The two of them then spent the next 5 minutes or so trading one liners about each other. Both of them had some really funny lines. It was like another comedy show going on out in the lobby. Bob had to go back to the bar area for some reason so John got a marker from Modi and drew a penis on Bob's press photo. He tried to get it done before Bob came back but Bob walked in as he was in the process of drawing. Of course Bob took the marker and did the same to John's picture. Jim Florentine's picture was up there too so John took the marker again and drew a bunch of dicks on that one too. It was like being in 5th grade again. Luckily I pulled out the video camera in time to catch some before and after shots of the pictures. I threw together a collage of stills from the wall. Click here to see them! It was around 11pm by that time and Stuttering John had to get up by five the next morning. He wasn't in any rush to leave though. He was just hanging out having a few drinks. I had to get home to sleep myself so we went back to the bar area and said goodbye to Jim Florentine, Dan the Song Parody Man and Anne Marie. Anne Marie stuck her hand so I assumed she just wanted to shake my hand but she kind of pulled me in to give a friendly hug goodbye. I think I almost took her eye out with the corner of my glasses as I went in for the hug... what an idiot! Maybe it's time to get contacts or laser surgery before I kill someone with these things. Damn! The next night the guys were doing another show down in Clementon, New Jersey at the Millennium Comedy Club which is under the New Century restaurant. Florentine wasn't going to be there but Craig Gass was. If you read my Atlantic City Adventure story you know that Gass was the guy who hooked me up and got me back stage where I met all of the guys for the first time. That eventually led to me meeting Jim Florentine, The Rev. Bob Levy, KC Armstrong, Stuttering John, Artie Lange and so many others. I owe Gass for hooking me up. My girlfriend and I made the long haul down to Clementon which was about 90 miles away. We got lost of course and didn't get there until 5 minutes before the show started. Luckily Craig Gass was coming out of the green room and saw me there. He was with Mutt from SternFanNetwork.com who Craig had introduced me to down in Atlantic City back in May. Craig got us in so we quickly found seats. A minute later Mutt came over and invited us over to his table which was a little closer to the stage. I spoke to him for a little while about our sites and stuff like that before the show started. The show was great once again and the crowd was pretty rowdy compared to the Stone Tavern show. It was a lot of fun. Craig Gass mentioned me during his act so couple of guys came up to me after the show and told me how much they enjoy the site. That really makes me feel great. I guess I haven't been wasting my time the past six and a half years. The guys had two shows to do so when the first show was done they kind of chased everyone out pretty quick. Craig Gass stopped by again and talked to us for a couple of minutes. We were still hanging out with Mutt and his woman. Mutt was going to stick around for the second show but the club guys wanted everyone to go out the back exit. We all went out and hung out with Bob Levy and Modi for a couple of minutes before they had to get back to do their second show. Modi was kind of freaked out because the crowd had dispersed and only about seven people walked by where they were hanging out. He was trying to sell some of his CDs (available at Modi.cc) and he had no idea where the crowd had gone. We headed home after Bob and Modi had gone back to the show. I'm not a party going dude so 11pm was pretty late for me to be out, especially when we were an hour and a half from home. I'd only gotten 5 hours of sleep the night before so I was beat. I have to do this more often but I'm such a social retard that I'm not used to it. I've been so friggin' sheltered all my life. Even Craig knew that and pointed it out when he mentioned me. He told the crowd this was like only the third time I've left the house. He's not that far off. If I had a life I never would have started this site so there is a good side to it... I guess. All of these guys are great, either together or on their own. Check out their web sites to see if they're appearing in your area...
And I can't forget Mutt and Dan the Song Parody Man. They're fun to hang out with and they're huge Stern fans. What more could you ask for?
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